Thursday, September 14, 2017

Stem & Root Rot

What a sad, sad day when you realize your plant is affected with stem or root rot. Whether growing in soil or hydroponics your plants are at risk for problem causing fungi!!!!😡

The definition of stem rot is "A symptom or phase of many diseases of plants characterized by decay of the stem tissue" and in most cases is caused by these soil inhabiting fungi.

  • Rhizoctonia
  • Fusarium
  • Pythium
Stem rot can happen whether your plants are in the vegetative growth state or the flower stage. It is possible to survive up to 5 years in soil. It can be spread by unfiltered water, and unsterilized tools. Symptoms of stem rot may include wilting, dieback, and poor vigor. Some causes may include poorly drained soil, crowding, mechanical injury, over watering or improper nutrient balance.

Plants showing signs of stem rot will have spots near the stem or on the roots near the soil level. These spots will vary in color and sizes. Spots on the stem or root may be gray, brown, black, or even bright red!

To avoid and/or treat root or stem rot be sure not to over water your plants. Try to keep base of the stem in dry conditions. Do not fertilize during hot, dry conditions. Mulch and aerate the soil. There are also multiple fungicides available. With a little research it easy to find what you need for your certain growing conditions.